How did your interest in wildlife arise?
I had an uncanny fascination with the camera. Eventually, I started nagging my father to buy me one. When he finally gave in to my demand, he got me my dream toy and the family gained a photographer. Gradually, the film camera gave way to a digital point-and-shoot, which was later replaced by a Digital SLR (DSLR).
I began with street photography because streets were not hard to find, and they are always interesting in their own way. However, soon I turned to wildlife after I went on my first wildlife trip with Mr. Sudhir Shivram. On the very first day, we were told to wake up at 5:00 am, hop on the rikshaw and enter in the park by 6:00 am. I was pretty nervous. I still remember the day when I was walking 4 KMs down the trail at 6 am carrying all my gear including a tripod, camera, lens, and other accessories in the month of January. Everything was covered with fog and my hands were freezing. At that moment I thought of leaving everything there and running back home. But then, somehow I managed and after the first few hours of that trip, I have found no reason to shift my attention elsewhere since.