The impoundments attract millions of migratory ducks, and it is a welcome stopover for shorebirds, neo-tropical songbirds, like warblers, and wading birds, like a variety of herons.
The marshes are a critical stop for these migrating birds on their way to their northern breeding grounds. Routinely, you will spot eagles, Hooded Warblers, American Avocets, Dunlin, Semipalmated Sandpipers, Dowitchers, Yellowlegs, Semipalmated Plovers, Saltmarsh Sparrows, Northern Pintail, and Green-winged Teal. There is much variety and abundance of birds at Bombay Hook. You will also see Shoveler Ducks, Snowy Egrets, Osprey at Finis Pool, harriers, and tens of thousands of Snow Geese. What is more exhilarating than 30,000 or more Snow Geese arriving in October at Raymond Pool, all taking flight at once before you? It is magical!
Mammals include red fox and kits, found on the opposite side of the park. Watch for rabbits and groundhogs along the scenic drive, and gray squirrels hopping amongst the trees, all dodging the Barred Owl. Later in the year, Short-eared Owl can be found around Shearness or Bear Swamp Pools, and of course, white tailed deer scamper about in winter too. It truly is a nature lover’s paradise.